CloutLater’s Mission Statement

Matthew Spurr
3 min readApr 26, 2021

Man, what an exciting time to be ‘in’ on the ground floor of such an exciting platform as BitClout.

For Me, Dan and Pete, this was one of those ideas that are 100% born from necessity. As far as we are concerned, if anyone on BitClout is serious about growth then they absolutely need to be reaching the right audiences at the right time and upping their productivity game. CloutLater can help there!

We all work together in the content and social media markets already, running, so with our preexisting knowledge of social media, schedulers and influencer marketing, we jumped on this quick as a flash.

So what’s our vision for CloutLater? (Visit our coin page here)

As I said, we built this out of necessity, so above all it needs to be a tool that people want and need to use. We want it to be an essential extension of your user experience on the BitClout platform.

Secondly, we want to be open-minded and community-spirited. One of the biggest things we’ve benefited from while running Quuu together has been listening to our users, considering their feedback and then prioritising the best way to deliver on expectations. So we hope to keep CloutLater simple yet intuitive to use, and flexible enough that we can innovate when necessity demands it.

Download the CloutLater Chrome Extension Here

Thirdly, we want to create a stable coin. What I mean by this is that we promise our coin holders and users alike that we won’t pull the rug from under them and sell out overnight leaving everyone stranded. We are in this for the long run, we want to provide a platform enriching utility that people can rely upon and confidently invest in.

How do we aim to achieve this? Well, in order to revert to my point earlier about being community-spirited, we are not going to charge an extortionate amount to use CloutLater, we want to be open to all, but we do ask for some commitment to support us in return. Therefore, all we ask is for you to be a coin holder, this could be the absolute minimum if you don’t have any liquidity — no recurring payments necessary. However, in order to use our scheduler you just need to hold the coin.

This means that as creators we’re incentivised to keep CloutLater bug free, stable and fun to use for everyone holding coins, otherwise we won’t have your support. It also means that the coin price will hopefully rise over time with more and more people using the extension and buying/holding CloutLater Coin.

We’d like to think that those with more spare cash to invest will see us as a safe bet for their BitClout portfolio. A product that is easy to install, use and very low financial barrier to access, with a team behind it taking a long term view to grow the product and coin value.

Lastly, in the interest of total transparency, of course, there will be times where if the product is successful, we’ll want to withdraw some coin to pay ourselves — a financial pat on the back if you will. However, this will only ever be in small dividend-like payments, and as a company, we’ll always preserve a minimum of 20 coins in the wallet to show our belief in our own Coin.

If you see any of us privately, very rarely, buying and selling it at random, please don’t read too much into it, sometimes even creators need to free up a little extra liquidity to reinvest in other creators we believe in, or just to pay for a holiday or a new watch ;-).

As a company, we’ll stick by our coin value steadfastly and keep enough skin in the game so that you can be assured as coin holders and users yourselves, that we are always incentivized to make CloutLater badass now and forever.

Thanks for all your support — we wish you all health and wealth.

Matt — Blogger, Investor and Advisor at CloutLater

